Jim Haselden

Total raised

Offline: £1,025.00

Target: £500.00

Dad, Uncle Jim, Granpy Jim, was loved by all who knew him. He lived for his family with so much advice to give to them all.
In memory of a truly gentle man in the strictest sense, who was loved by all. Full of integrity, honesty and loyalty to all his family and friends and so generous with his time.

Latest donations

  • £25.00 Wendy and Randall

  • £50.00 Angela and Neil and family

    In loving memory of Uncle Jim

  • £50.00 Marjorie

    In loving memory of a very dear friend Jim

  • £25.00 Denis and Janet

    In loving memory of a dear brother-in-law who will be much missed

  • £25.00 Rodney and Suzanne

    In loving memory of dear Jim with whom we spent so many happy family days.

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
