Eva Cotterill

Raising money for

Matumaini School, Tanzania

Total raised


Target: £1,000.00

Mum had a huge heart for God, family and Africa and was committed to living the values of God's kingdom.
As a family we know that she would not have wanted flowers that would fade but would want to support a project in Africa that will endure . We have chosen for a retiring collection to support the Matumaini Salvation Army School for Children with Disabilities in Tanzania. We know she would be thrilled to be making a difference in those young people's lives.

Latest donations

  • Massimo Paone

    In memory of a great servant of God.

  • £25.00 Den and Den

    Blessed to have known, and counted as a friend, Eva a wonderful Christian lady.

  • Grace Arnott

    Thoughts are with you all x

  • Jacq Arnott

    Thought about you all this week. Every little helps!

  • £20.00 Harry and Barbara

Events in memory

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